- Hook
- Inspiration
- Year 7-9
- 10 Min
- Projector
Show the video ‘Cartoons in the real world’ to the class
One of the best ways to encourage young people to think like an entrepreneur is to use mini case studies of how others have catalysed their passions and interests to innovate.
In this 60 Second Docs video (a series of short documentaries profiling subjects and examining perspectives, trends and aspirations beneath the surface), Mike Bennett shows us how he uses recycled goods to bring cartoon characters to life in the real world.
After watching the video, tackle the following questions as a class, or in small groups.
- What are the passions, skills, and strengths of the entrepreneur that you noticed while watching this video?
- What is the problem that this idea is solving?
- How does the idea solve the problem/s?
- In two to three sentences, explain the connections between the entrepreneur and the idea.
- What impact do you think this business has on the community?
- What are some of the ways that artists can monetize their work to generate an income?
- Ideate 3-5 other examples of how you could use art to generate positive community engagement.
What are your favourite community business ideas that you like to share with your class?
Want to take this conversation further with like-minded educators?
Join our Teachers of Entrepreneurship Network. This is a collaborative space to share, explore, discuss and unpack all things entrepreneurship in education.
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