Mapping the Ecosystem

Capturing the depth and breadth of Queensland's entrepreneurial education ecosystem

As a follow-up to the Entrepreneurial Talent Development Roundtable on July 27th, it became clear that there are host of wonderful programs and providers supporting the talent development of young people in Queensland’s entrepreneurial education and innovation ecosystems.

The conversation identified a number of different program rationales:

  • Building ‘enterprise’ skills and mindsets
  • Ideating enterprising ideas
  • Launching enterprises/ micro-businesses/ businesses.
  • Developing and scaling enterprises/ micro-businesses/ businesses

To get greater clarity on what programs and providers are currently operating and what- if any- gaps might exist, we’ve created a short survey to capture the details of all current program offerings.

The intention is to collate this data into a timeline or map that shows what programs cater to what audiences at each stage or age.

We’d greatly appreciate it if you would fill out this survey for each of the entrepreneurial programs that your organisation facilitates.

Please also feel free to pass this link along to other relevant educators and program providers who lead relevant programming.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact Nicole Dyson at