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Alyssa Burns

Program Manager, Future Anything

Meet Future Anything is our quickfire interview series where we hit up our legendary team members to learn a little more about the people in the famous Future Anything T-shirts! In this edition, we talk to the brilliant Alyssa Burns, who works with our partners schools across a portfolio of programs including Activate, our award-winning in-curriculum program and our engaging student workshops.

1. What is a fun fact about yourself that no one would guess about you?

I did a training day with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).

2. What are your top two career highlights to date?

A highlight for me would definitely be going on school camps, I have always loved going on them and I find them so fun. I love going on school camps because it creates opportunity for even more learning, and it gives you a different experience and a chance to learn in a different way. Another big career highlight would definitely be starting at Future Anything. I love the work that the team and I do, and I especially love to do the work around enterprise thinking and skills.

3. What brought you to Future Anything?

After teaching the program at my last school, I had a huge passion for the design thinking model that Future Anything uses as well as enterprising skills and how we develop those. Being able to work with a large number of schools to do that was really exciting and what got me interested in working at Future Anything.

4. What excites you most about Future Anything’s work?

I think the thing that most excites me about Future Anything’s work is the showcases. I love that students are able to create their own solutions to a problem and it is amazing to see the work come to life, it is really special for me.

5. What is a goal that you are currently working towards?

A personal goal that I am currently working towards is finding more opportunities to travel and especially explore the world. Another goal that I am working towards is buying a house.

6. What’s the funniest / weirdest thing that has ever happened to you in a classroom?

I think the funniest and weirdest thing that has ever happened to me in a classroom is that I had a bird fly into the classroom I was teaching in once. It was amusing to see a large majority of the boys screaming and hiding under the tables along with the girls.

7. Who is your biggest inspiration?

This is really hard. I would probably have to say my Mum.              

 8. What is your dream holiday destination and why?

My dream holiday destination would be anywhere with a nice view and a beach. I love to go on summer holidays with a beach close by.

9. What changes/innovations/trends in education in Australia or globally are most interesting to you at the moment?

I think the most interesting one is the shift we are seeing around the development of 21st Century Skills and how it is impacting the future of work for young people.

10. A quick fast five:

  • Coffee or Tea? Tea
  • Books or podcasts? Books
  • Savoury or Sweet? Sweet
  • Summer or Winter? Summer
  • Beach or Mountains? Beach

10. Lastly – favourite book or podcast you would recommend and why?

I don’t know that I have a favourite! A book that I read recently and enjoyed was called “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes.

More about Future Anything’s Alyssa Burns

Alyssa Burns is an experienced leader in education, with particular expertise in the development and implementation of Project-Based Learning curriculum and academic mentoring programs. With more than ten years’ experience in independent primary and secondary schools, Alyssa has a passion for the authentic professional development of educators, and creating successful, engaging and future-focused student programs.

Throughout her career, she’s served in various leadership roles, including Innovation Leader (Pathways & Mentoring) as well as in pastoral care and wellbeing roles such as Head of House and Year Level Coordinator.

As a Future Anything Program Manager, Alyssa brings her knowledge and experience to support young people, educators, and schools as they engage with our portfolio of programs.

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