Activate 2023

Key Info for Activate 2023 Teaching Teams

Welcome to Activate 2023.

On this page, you’ll find a summary of all key info relating to the program. It will be updated with all the latest info on key events and activities as it’s released, and we’ll also update all Activate teachers via email. But, if you ever get stuck, or can’t find a key date or document, this is a great place to start looking. You might want to add it to your bookmarks.

Of course, in the immortal words of U2, if you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, get in touch with our friendly team (meet them below!), or drop us a line at We’re always happy to hear from you, and remember, there’s no such thing as a stupid question. If you’re thinking it, someone else probably is too!

Stay in touch!

Key Program Dates 2023

  • PASSED: Activate Key Contacts should complete Teacher Contact Details Form here 
  • PASSED: Activate Key Contacts should book their Induction Call (read more here)
  • PASSED: Activate Teacher Professional Learning Workshops live in Adelaide, Sydney, Mackay, Brisbane & Online
  • PASSED: National Finals applications open (read more here)
  • PASSED: Wednesday 20 September 2023: National Finals applications close (read more here)
  • PASSED: Wednesdays in Term 2+ 3: Got an Activate question, success or challenge to share? We’ll be Zoom for 30 minutes from at 3.30pm AEST (most) Wednesdays in Terms 2+ 3 – drop in to touch base! Read more.
  • PASSED: Friday 20 October – 2023 Future Anything Educators Awards nominations close here
  • PASSED:  Tuesday 24 & Thursday 26 October 2023: National Semi Finals  – live online (read more here)
  • PASSED: Nominate yourself, a colleague or your team for the 2023 Future Anything Educators Awards here
  • PASSED – Monday 20 November 2023: National Grand Final – live in Brisbane (read more here)
  • NOW: Activate Curriculum available in Thinkific (read more here or sign in here)
  • NOW: Activate Professional Learning Webinar available in Thinkific (sign in here)
  • NOW:  Connect with your Activator ASAP after your intro has been made (read more here)
  • Term 4 2023:  Deliver Activate in your classrooms
  • Week 9/10 of your Activate Term: School Showcase (read more here)

Go to top | Get in touch!

About Activate – Curriculum + Teacher Support

What is Activate?

Activate is Future Anything’s flagship in curriculum program that embeds future capabilities and integrates fully with mainstream curriculum delivery across ten subject streams.

Teaching teams are supported with extensive and personalised professional development, comprehensive lesson materials, suggested formative and summative assessment tools, plus ongoing, real-time support that enriches the experience for educators, students and their school community.

Activate culminates in an exciting national pitching competition where the best student-led enterprises can win the funding and support to take their ideas out of the classroom and into the real world.

In 2022, close to 5000 students in schools across Australia were part of Activate and 2023 is shaping up to be even bigger!

Activate Subject Streams

Activate includes eight engaging, curriculum aligned subject streams as well as the exciting option to create your own stream.

Primary Streams:

LOCAL MARKET and LOCAL CHANGEMAKER STREAMS: Focussing on developing either a product to sell at a local market or or an innovative ideas that will make change in your community, these streams are specifically designed for upper Primary students. Read the Unit Overviews in the Resources section below.

Secondary Streams:

ENTERPRISE STREAMS: Our three Enterprise streams (Local Enterprise, Social Enterprise & Start-up Enterprise) are perfect for schools looking to run an industry-connected and future-focussed project-based learning approach to entrepreneurship education that empowers students to ideate, prototype and pitch innovative business ideas that make their world a better place. Read the Unit Overviews in the Resources section below.

MULTIDISCIPLINARY STREAMS: Our Multidisciplinary streams (PeopleX, PlanetX, TechnologyX) are perfect for schools looking to run a cross-curricular and curriculum aligned approach to project-based learning that empowers students to be the change they want to see in their world. Read the Unit Overviews in the Resources section below.

All schools:

CREATE YOUR OWN STREAM: Got a wild idea for something completely different? Let us help you to build a bespoke unit of curriculum for you and your students. Fully resourced, curriculum aligned and with all the perks of being an Activate school.

Accessing Activate Curriculum & Content: Thinkific

The curricula for Activate 2023 streams is now available.

Each subject stream curriculum includes detailed lesson plans, resources, bespoke case studies, assessment tools, and more and are accessed via our online platform, Thinkific.

When your schools has a) completed the Teacher Contact Details form and b) paid your Activate invoice, every Activate teacher will receive an email* with their own personalised Thinkific log in details, giving you your own  dashboard through which you access all curriculum content and measure your progress through the program.

Click here to log in to Thinkific.

* If you have not received access to Thinkific, please check your junk folder for an email from “”. If you still can’t find it, or are have issues logging in, just drop us a line to Please note that your school’s Activate invoice must be paid and the Teacher Contact Details form been completed to receive access to Thinkific.

Activate Teacher Professional Learning Workshops

A series of Activate Professional Learning Workshops for all Activate educators were held in Term 1 2023.

The events were held in person in Mackay, Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide, with an additional virtual interactive livestream workshop.

Recordings of the livestream session are now available to all Activate teachers via your personal dashboard in Thinkific. (Click here to sign in and check out the course called “Activate 2023 Professional Development”). Teachers can also download a personalised CPD Certificate having completed this course.

We strongly recommend ALL Activate educators attend a workshop OR watch the recordings before engaging with the 2023 Activate curriculum. Together, we’ll unpack the all-important program logistics and explore the key pedagogical approaches that underpin Activate. The workshops are also a great opportunity to network and collaborate with colleagues, hear and share best practice and to get set up for Activate success.

  • Thursday 2 March : MACKAY – St Patrick’s College (formerly Mercy College), Yuwibara Land – EVENT PASSED
  • Monday 6 March : ADELAIDE – Kildare College, Kaurna Land – EVENT PASSED
  • Monday 13 March : SYDNEY – Santa Sophia College, Darug Land – EVENT PASSED
  • Friday 17 March : BRISBANE (NORTHERN) – Wavell SHS, Turrbul Land – EVENT PASSED
  • Monday 20 March : BRISBANE (SOUTHERN) – Marsden SHS, Yugambeh Land – EVENT PASSED

Activate 'Drop In' Wednesdays

Got a burning Activate question, success or challenge to share?

The Future Anything team will be live in Zoom (almost) every Wednesday afternoon to chat with anyone from your Activate teaching team.

Outline session themes are below, but content will be adjusted on the day to reflect whatever YOU need to know! So, drop in at any time to ask a quick question, or join us for the full half hour to listen/share your ideas and comments with others.

Term 2 2023:

  • Dates & Themes:
    • 19 April – Activate Q&A – Come armed with your curly questions – Watch recording here
    • 26 April – Planning your School Showcase  – Judges, Prizes, Audience and more – Watch recording here
    • 3 May – Building Authenticity and Using your Activator – Watch recording here
    • 10 May – Building Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom – Watch recording here
    • 17 May – Setting Students up for Project Management Success – Watch recording here
    • 24 May – Feedback as Fuel – Building an Adaptive Mindset – Watch recording here
    • 7 June – Applying for Future Anything Finals- Everything you need to know – Watch recording here
    • 21 June – Purposeful Reflection
    • 28 June – Activate Q&A – Come armed with your curly questions

Term 3 2023:

  • Time: From 3.30pm-4pm  (VIC/NSW/QLD) / 3pm-3.30pm  SA
  • Dates & Themes:
    • 19 July – All things School Showcases – Judges, Prizes, Audience and more
    • 26 July – Building Authenticity and Using your Activator
    • 2 August – Building Confident Communicators
    • 9 August – Unpacking Problem Solving
    • 16 August – Honing Critical Thinking in the Classroom
    • 23 August – Activate Q&A – Come armed with your curly questions
    • 30 August – Applying for Future Anything Finals- Everything you need to know
    • 6 September – Purposeful Reflection
    • 13 September – Activate Q&A – Come armed with your curly questions
    • 20 September – Activate Q&A – Come armed with your curly questions
  • Zoom Link: Passcode: Activate
  • Add to your calendar: 

Ongoing Activate Support & Coaching

Everything you need to deliver Activate can be found in your subject stream course in Thinkific or here on this info page.

However, we know sometime tricky questions occur or you just need to run through something with a real live human.

If you want to unpack a particular activity or lesson, chat through ideas for your showcase, check in on program logistics, or it’s something else altogether, our friendly team is on hand before, during and after Activate.

Reach out to Kate Clauson (Head of Curriculum & Partnerships, and font of all Activate knowledge) by email at or lock in a time that works for you for a chat in her calendar here.

Activate Induction/Kick Off Call

We invite all Activate Key Contacts to register for a bespoke induction or ‘kick off’ call with our expert Activate team.

For new Activate schools, this our chance to get to know each other and for hear about your aspirations for the program and ensure you’re across the key program logistics so you can start with a bang.

For returning Activate schools,  we’ll chat about what’s worked well for you in the past, opportunities for program evolution  and any ‘wish list’ requests for 2023!

Most importantly for all schools, we’ll explore how we can support you to make Activate the best it can be for you and your students in 2023

Educator Awards 2023

While the Activate celebrates innovative, scalable, and sustainable student enterprise ideas, it’s also a platform to celebrate YOU, our Activate educators.

The Future Anything Educator Awards recognise the teachers who’ve not only led Activate in their classroom but who have lived it through their own enterprising approach to teaching and learning.

Unveiled at the high profile Future Anything National Grand Final in November, winners will share in over $10,000 of prizes to support their schools’ entrepreneurial aspirations.

Nominations for the Future Anything Educator Awards 2023 are now closed. See the Finalists here. Huge congratulations to all educators who were nominated. It is wonderful to see such incredible work happening in Activate classrooms across Australia.

The winners in Future Anything Educator Awards 2023 were announced at Future Anything National Grand Final 2023 on Monday 20 November in Brisbane and live online. Read about the Educator Awards 2023 winners here.

Read more about the 2021 Educator Awards here and the 2022 Educator Awards here.

Activators – Your Entrepreneur in Residence

What is an Activator?

Every school can opt in to be matched with an Activator – think of them as your very own ‘Entrepreneur in Residence”.

Drawn from the worlds of innovation, business, science and social entrepreneurship, our Activators are all incredible humans who have volunteered their time to support Activate 2023 teachers and students as your mentors, sounding boards, and cheerleaders.

All Schools should have been introduced to your Activator via email. If you have not received your intro, or would like some help in engaging with them, get it touch and we’ll help you out

Where possible, we matched schools with Activators in their geographical region, but this was not possible for all schools.

It is the responsibility of schools to proactively engage with their Activator.

We anticipate most Activator residencies will take place virtually (via Teams or Zoom). If practical, you may wish to invite your Activator into to school.

Activators have volunteered up to 5 hours in one school term. Schools should work with their Activators to allocate this time however works best for you both. We anticipate that most schools will engage with their Activator(s) in Week 7 and/or 8 of their Activate term a while students are refining their ideas and developing their pitches.

Activators have been briefed on the program and we’ll ensure they have the necessary permissions to work with your young people.

How do we work with our Activator?

We anticipate that most schools will work with their Activators during week 7 and/or 8 of their Activate experience, arranging for Activators to spend time with your students, listening to their business ideas/practice pitches, asking questions and providing constructive feedback to help them improve or pivot their thinking.

Other ways you could work with your Activator(s) include:

  • Arrange a short workshop or invite them to lead a discussion on topics relating to their experience or area of professional expertise
  • Involved them in a school-wide assembly, Q&A or panel discussion
  • Invite them to be a judge at your school’s showcase event
  • Work with them to leverage their connections to wider innovation/industry ecosystems to connect you and your students with people or places that help them progress their ideas further.

Meet the 2023 Activators

We have over 60 brilliant humans volunteering their time to support Activate schools, teachers and students in 2023.

Check them out here!

Schools starting Activate in Terms 1 or 2 were introduced to their Activator(s) by email in late March. Schools starting Activate later in the year will receive an introduction by email during Term 2. If you have not received your intro, or would like some help in engaging with them, get it touch and we’ll help you out!

School Showcases FAQ

What is a Showcase?

A School Showcase is every school’s own ‘shark tank style’ pitching and/or trade show or marketplace event held at the conclusion of their Activate program.

These events are fantastic for engaging your local community in your incredible classroom work, and it also breaks down the transactional nature of assessment – allowing students to celebrate their final product and share their learning with a broader audience.

When should we run our Showcase?

You can arrange your own Showcase at a time that works for your students and your school community.

Most schools run it either in the last week of the Term they’ve delivered the program in, or the first week of the following Term while it’s fresh in students’ minds.

Does Future Anything run our showcase?

No, each school runs their own event at a time and with a format that works for them. But, we’re here to help!

Use the tips and templates in our Showcase Resource Pack and, of course, reach out if you’d like to chat your ideas through, we’d love to help out and hear what you’re planning!

You can email us at or contact your school’s Future Anything Program Manager.

How do I organise a Showcase?

There’s lots of tips, ideas and templates in our Showcase Resource Pack. 

Do reach out to the Future Anything team when you start planning your showcase. We’d love to chat through your ideas and support yoiu in your planning. We’ll also come along on the big day if we can!

You can email us at or contact your school’s Future Anything Program Manager.

National Finals FAQ

About the National Finals

Activate culminates in a national competition to find the best student-led enterprises and for them to win the funding and support to launch their ideas into the real world.

Winners were unveiled at the Future Anything Grand Final 2023 on Monday 20 November at The Triffid in Brisbane. The total prize prize pool was worth over $65,000!

When are the 2023 National Finals?

The National Semi Finals 2023 were held online on Tuesday 24 and Thursday 26 October 2023. There were be eight one-hour Semi Finals over the two days.

Watch the National Semi Finals 2023 on YouTube here. 

The National Grand Final 2023 will be held at The Triffid in Brisbane (and livestreamed via YouTube) on Monday 20 November 2023. 

Read about and register for the National Grand Final 2023 here. 

Which students can apply for finals?

While is it not compulsory for students to apply for finals, we strongly recommend that ALL Activate students apply. The process of creating and refining their pitch, and sharing their with judges and audience in the real world is extremely rewarding.

Any Activate student (or team of up to 4 students) can apply.

They do NOT have to have won your school showcase to apply for National Finals.

In fact, often, the judges in our finals select very different winners to those chosen by teachers or in school showcases.


Who is included in the finals? How do students apply?

This year there are two categories for submissions: Pitching and Showcase (see info below). Students could apply for one or both categories (the online application form covers both categories).


What are the categories?

This year there are two categories for submissions: Pitching and Showcase. Students can apply for one or both categories via the National Finals Submission Form (here).

We encourage you to have your students apply for both categories wherever possible – this will give them the very best chance of success!


In this high profile category, the top 40 teams nationally will pitch in eight fast and fun National Semi Finals, held live online on Tuesday 24 and Thursday 26 October.

The Winner from each Semi Final then progress to pitch live in the National Grand Final in Brisbane on Monday 20 November for the chance to be crowned Future Anything Grand Final Winner 2023!

The Runner Up from each Semi Final progress to the National Grand Final Showcase Expo.


New for 2023, this category particularly suits teams that will have a physical product that they will be ready to sell by November.

The top 10 applicants from this category will be invited to showcase (ie have a market stall and sell their products) at the National Grand Final in Brisbane on Monday 20 November.

Teams in this category will complete for a share in a prize pot worth over $2,000, with a special judging panel and audience People’s Vote!

What are the prizes?

Prizes for 2023 will be announced closer to the National Finals.

Pitching Category teams will be in with the chance of winning a prize pot worth $10K+ of funding and support.

Showcase Category teams will be in with the chance of winning a prize pot worth $2K+ of funding and support.

In 2022, the prize pool including funding, mentoring, branding/website support, a corporate adventure retreat and lots more support to help students launch their ideas into the real world. Details of the 2023 prize pool will be announced soon!

Which teams made it through to the 2023 National Finals?

Over 250 applications from 650+ students from over 40 schools in Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales and South Australia were received.

The standard was higher than ever – this is a wonderful testament not only to the ingenuity and creativity of Activate students, but also to the calibre of the teaching and support provided to students by their Activate teachers.

40 teams were selected to pitch live in the National Semi Finals on 24 and 26 October, while a further 12 progressed directly to the National Grand Final Showcase on Monday 20 November.

Unsuccessful teams were emailed directly on 9 October to let them know that they have not made it through and providing general feedback from the shortlisters.

What are the logistics for teams pitching in the National Semi Finals?

The Event Info Pack for teams pitching in the National Semi Finals are below and were sent to all Semi Finals teams and teachers on 9 October.

Every Semi Finalist team can access their own 20-minute mentoring session with the Future Anything team. This is a great opportunity to get some feedback on your ideas and get some expert advice on how to ensure your pitch goes with a bang!

If you haven’t done so already, teams can choose a slot with Nic or Kate from the Future Anything team at time that works for them:

What are the logistics for teams pitching in the National Grand Final?

The Event Info Pack for teams pitching in the National Grand Final are below. This was sent to all Grand Final Pitching Teams (and their teachers) on 30 October.


Every Grand Finalist pitching team can access their own 30-minute mentoring session with Future Anything’s Nicole Dyson. This is a great opportunity to get some feedback on your ideas and get some expert advice on how to ensure your pitch goes with a bang!

If you haven’t done so already, teams can choose a slot with Nic at time that works for them:

What are the logistics for teams exhibiting in the National Grand Final Showcase?

The Event Info Pack for teams participating in the National Grand Final Showcase on Monday 20 November in Brisbane is below and was emailed to all Semi Finals teams and teachers on 9 October.

National Grand Final Showcase  – 20 November 2023- DOWNLOAD EVENT INFO PACK FOR TEAMS/TEACHERS HERE

There are also two mentoring/info sessions for showcase teams. We strongly recommend all showcase teams attend one of these sessions for advice and expertise on how to make your display stand out and your elevator pitch the best it can be:

  • Session: Grand Final Showcase Briefing Session 2

Key Activate Links & Resources

Lesson Plans, Curriculum & Resources

The curricula for Activate 2023 streams is now available.

Each subject stream’s curriculum includes detailed lesson plans, resources, bespoke case studies, assessment tools, and more and are accessed via our online platform, Thinkific.

When your schools has a) completed the Teacher Contact Details form and b) paid your Activate invoice, every Activate teacher will receive an email* with their own personalised Thinkific log in details, giving you your own  dashboard through which you access all curriculum content and measure your progress through the program.

Click here to log in to Thinkific.

* If you have not received access to Thinkific, please check your junk folder for an email from “”. If you still can’t find it, or are have issues logging in, just drop us a line to Please note that your school’s Activate invoice must be paid and the Teacher Contact Details form been completed to receive access to Thinkific.

Pre- & Post Activate Teacher Surveys

We ask all educators (new and returning) delivering Activate to complete a short survey prior to commencing and after completing delivery of Activate 2022.

We very much value input from educators. Your responses will help inform the development of the program in future to ensure it is as relevant and targeted as possible, and enable us to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of Activate 2023.

Pre- & Post Activate Student Surveys

We ask all schools to have their students complete a short survey prior to commencing and after completing of Activate 2023.

This data is used to compile bespoke Benchmark (pre-program) and Impact (post-program) reports so that every school can see where their students started (and gain an understanding of which core competencies may need extra focus) and the change/impact Activate has has on their levels of confidence in the six core competencies.



Teacher Contact Details Form

All Activate Key Contacts should provide the direct contact details for their team teaching Activate 2023 via the short online form here as soon as possible.


This will enable Future Anything to provide every Activate teacher with personalised access to the correct online curriculum for their registered Activate subject stream via our online platform, Thinkific.

Access to the Activate curriculum will only be provides to schools that have both completed the Teacher Contact Details form and paid their invoice in full.