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The Alchemy of Politics Podcast with Rusha Modi:

How to Educate a Child.

In The Alchemy of Politics Podcast. Rusha Modi goes beyond clickbait headlines and recycled left-right talking points to uncover powerful unexplored ideas to level up our communities, country and planet.

In this edition, Rusha interviews Future Anything’s Nicole Dyson on ‘how to educate a child’.  Nic describes how she uses inquiry-based learning in her classroom to help students understand and remember the material. Inquiry-based learning is a future-focused approach to a curriculum where students are engaged in hands-on projects that allow them to explore their passions and develop their skills. Nicole explains many barriers to scaling inquiry-based learning, including the assumption that teachers know how to design this type of curriculum. The biggest challenge is that schools and systems invest in professional learning but not the capacity building necessary for teachers to implement inquiry-based learning.

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